A tattered banner depicting a slime.
A tattered banner depicting a slime.
Text stating "Wishlist on Steam"
A war-hammer illuminated from the back.

About  the  Game

A war-hammer illuminated from the back.

In Seasons of Courage your homelands have been ravaged by maleficent forces from the chaotic void. Ready your combat skills and rally your allies to build defensive townships, breaking the waves of onslaught. In doing so another land is rescued, but many more await. Your party must gather strength through dungeon armaments in order to free the next biome of tyranny.

Deep  Cooperative  Combat

Join your allies online and master deep souls-like combat in order to vanquish those fiends who would slaughter your kin in a glorious top down environment.

An anthropomorphic frog, rabbit, and bear ready for battle.

Challenging  Dungeons  and  Powerful  Armaments

A ferocious blue dragon ready to attack.

As the seasons pass, your challenge will only become more fierce. Conquer the bosses safeguarding themselves in procedurally-generated dungeons to adorn your party with powerful, upgradable armaments.

Bustling  Communities  and  Biomes

Never forget your true purpose, to re-take your homelands and protect those who inhabit them. In each new biome, you must build a bustling community to defend itself from the onslaught; lest hope will be lost.

Three metallic dragon eggs of bronze, gold, and silver dragons.
A war-hammer illuminated from the back.

Official  Media

A war-ax illuminated from the back.


The Seasons of Courage wallpaper.

Mobile  Wallpaper

The Seasons of Courage mobile wallpaper.


The Seasons of Courage logo.
A war-hammer illuminated from the back.


A war-ax illuminated from the back.

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Social  Media

The Steam logo
The Discord logo
The Reddit logo
The YouTube logo
The Facebook logo
The Instagram logo
The Twitter logo
The TikTok logo


Paypal logo for patron page
Patreon logo for patron page
Text stating "Wishlist on Steam"